You will have seen on the news the distressing images of storm damage in different parts of the country, some of which is expected to take months, if not years, to repair.
If you'd like to donate to the relief effort, below are some details on how you can help. If in doubt, The overriding immediate need is cash to help those whose homes and /or businesses have been rendered unusable. Accordingly, the New Zealand High Commission in London is encouraging you to donate to the Red Cross NZ Disaster Fund unless you have a compelling reason to contribute to one of the other funds listed.
Red Cross NZ Disaster Fund
New Zealand Red Cross teams are working with emergency management agencies to deliver vital assistance across some of Aotearoa New Zealand’s hardest hit areas. Donate to the Red Cross.
Hawke's Bay Mayoral Relief Fund
People or organisations wanting to donate to the Mayoral Relief Flood Response Fund can make online deposits to Central Hawke’s Bay District Council’s ANZ account 01-0777-0038665-000, with reference “Relief”.
You can also donate through their donation page here. Please note that donations made to the Mayoral Relief Fund will not qualify for a charitable donation rebate.
Volunteering Auckland
Review their list of various local community organisations across the city helping communities in various ways with food, clothing, cleanup and accommodation support. Read more.
Iwi support
In some areas hit by the cyclone, local iwi have set up fundraisers to support their communities and help with recovery efforts. For a list of different iwi fundraisers, see this site created by the Māori Language Commission.
Gisborne Volunteer Centre
The Gisborne Volunteer Centre is accepting donations, which will be used to support the volunteers assisting through the local Volunteer Centre, and other identified needs as the volunteers help their communities. The centre is a member of Volunteering NZ. Donations can be made directly to: Gisborne Volunteer Centre Inc Kiwibank Gisborne 38 9010 0052542 00
Care for animals
Animals and pets have been impacted severely too and there's no government funding to help hundreds of vulnerable animals that have been displaced.
The SPCA has been hard at work in Hawke’s Bay, Gisborne and Northland rescuing, transporting and sheltering animals, as well as providing support to pet owners. If you’re moved to support this vital work, donate here.
Helping you help animals
Text ‘HUHA‘ to 4463 to immediately donate $3. More details.
Animal Evac
New Zealand’s dedicated animal disaster management charity Animal Evac provides a national framework of volunteers who want to assist animals impacted by natural disasters. Your donation will go towards equipping teams of over 285 volunteers. To donate visit Animalevac.nz.